For the last several years, James Allen Thompson has been a constant companion of mine in the shaping of the structure and formatting of the long-researched ideas that I have exhaustively placed in this book “Life Is The Project”. He did not write any of the content of the book, but because of our growing relationship, often through book studies we had together, these contacts and meetings helped me to focus on staying the course, and finishing the book in the exact time I had given myself to complete the book of one year. Mr. Thompson was with me when I first decided to write the book back in March of 2019 at the MatrixX seminar in Toronto Canada. James is a very ambitious man whose heart is even bigger than his dreams and visions of a better place, here and beyond.
James Allen Thompson: I was adopted at birth. This important fact was revealed to me at the age of 28. I was raised by my aunt and uncle. I was the youngest in my adopted family and the oldest in my biological mother's family and biological father's family. I was a baseball player in college, and a college graduate. I had my own DJ business for 7 years. One of the most rewarding accomplishments I had in my entire life was when I worked at a boy’s home for emotionally disturbed boys for 36 years. I was a house parent for the first 10 years and a teacher for the remaining 26. I also was the pastor of a church for 5 years.
I believe I was put on this earth to inspire and encourage. And I will continue to do so through different modes of writing that I have done and will continue to do. I am constantly creating different ways of sharing my writings, for they are many. I am a freelance photographer as well. I enjoy reading, writing, photography and thinking.
Pastor Hypolite and I, one day were setting in his office at his workplace many years ago discussing, as usual issues of the day, and what we thought about those same issues. We often discussed matters of religion, business, self-development, politics, and more. Our friendship started in Minneapolis, Minnesota, while waiting to be boarded on a different airline because our original flight was cancelled due to airplane failures. We just happened to be setting next to each other in the terminal of the airport, he was with his family and I was with my wife.
We struck up a conversation about life, and issues that were affecting our communities, and what we thought were some solutions. Ever since that special meeting of the minds between two strangers many years ago, we together in our own unique ways took on the subliminal challenges we had issued to each other without even knowing we had done so but is evidenced in our continuing relationship to this very day.
That question that came out of his office at his workplace has become the driving force that is fueling and governing both of our activities. The question of why? Separate, but nevertheless equally important to the discussion we had on our first meeting many years before. The question that lays behind the writing and content of this book is not only a continuation of a relationship between two strangers but in the broader picture, is the continuing relationship between mankind and our very existence as a species, whose grand design is still in question to many.
To discuss my diverse background and skills, I have to say is not of a traditional method to be sure, but one of opportunity, and blessings of all kinds. I speak seven different languages. I obtained my Master Degree in Theology, June of 2012 at Biltmore University. Subsequently, I developed supervisory, management, and leadership skills.
I am the senior pastor of Ramah Full Gospel Church in Glendale AZ. And have been so since 2001. I have been the Assistant Director at Harmony Kids Childcare & Academy of Phx AZ since 2017. I am the Vice President of African Association of pastors in Phoenix AZ. I am a federal level Chaplin in Maricopa County 2018. State level volunteer Chaplin in Maricopa county 2005-2014. I am licensed for Adult Development in Home Foster Care. I am the Vice President of International Ministerial Council of Arizona (IMCA). I also am the owner of Kadez Services LLC.
Here is a record of some of my other experiences as well. I was Account Coordinator of Chicanos Por Lacausa, Phx AZ, 1999 – 2006. I was an Arizona State Hospital Behavioral Health Tech 11, 2000 – 2009. I worked with the Foundation for Senior Living Group Home, 1999 – 2006. I also worked with the Bethany Ranch Homes, where I supervised staff, coordinated activities, and provided administrative assistance.